Friday, February 02, 2007

Operation Footprint documentary


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your comment on a website and wanted to share my thoughts with you, but didn't see your email so I write this as a totally unrelated comment to your cute baby pics!
I too went to Pensacola Christian College, have been taught using A Beka books, and now use them at our Christian school in Argentina. While there are many things about PCC that I disagree with, their textbooks are distinctive and that's not necessarily bad. I like some methods that "public school textbooks" employ too. In no way at all, do I feel like I am condoning evil by purchasing A Beka books. They have their value; don't ignore this good option just because it's related to some organization that you don't totally agree with.
Comments welcome! Please delete this as needed. Heather

11:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...



I will send this through email but I'll post it on my blog also. BTW, it has been so long since I've been using this blog-it's definately not active anymore! I can't even remember my password. LOL

I'm not sure what comment you are referring to or where it was made, but my general thoughts about A BEKA are this.

1- While it may have some value, the overall slant is fundamentalist/dominionist. You can't expect that curriculum coming from a fundamentalist point of view/school would somehow be devoid of those views.

2-If you believe in fundamentalist Christianity, well then this curriculum would be appropriate.

3-I'd be somewhat concerned about higher education places accepting homeschoolers who used ABEKA curriculum, most specifically accepting the science subjects to be adequate (as I believe the state of California had some issues with...not sure the current status...)

Thanks for your comment.


1:22 PM


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